Thursday, September 26, 2019

This is the Day the Lord Hath Made

from Unsplash

The day started out rainy and stormy, cool and dreary.  A little later, the sun peeked through the clouds, and now hours later, it's sunny and mild.

Today is a beautiful day, whether rainy or sunny.  Why?  This is the day the Lord has made.  It's up to us how we use it.

It has been raining a lot here, just this last weekend alone we picked up 5 inches.  Our yard is growing quite well to the point we will need to buy goats if we don't mow it soon.  Maybe we can lease out the yard to a small herd of cows!   It won't be long before the mowing season will be over for this year, and I believe our kids will be glad.  They do the mowing more now that they are in their mid to upper teens.

Yesterday our oldest, my stepson, turned 18.  It is in a way a relief...he survived and we did too.  He made it to "adulthood".  While he has special needs, he is his own guardian now.  He works a small job with vocational rehab, is still in school, and still of course living at home.

This weekend our town has it's annual Fall Festival.  This is a time we use for outreach in our church, as there are a lot of people in town for the activities.  Keep in mind our town is only around 2000 people plus the outlying farms/rural areas.  It is a great time to share the love of Jesus, the Gospel according to the Bible, and get out in the cool autumn air.  I get to watch the parade from my living room window as a good portion of it goes by our house.  I am hoping middle child (with autism) will be interested in going out to the car show and so on, to get out of the house and soak up the crisp fall air. 

What do you do to ring in the fall season? 

I love the bright colors that are out right now in the mums and marigolds.  The trees changing colors and dropping leaves and the cooler air are my absolute favorite parts.  Well, behind the skeeters dying off.  It is nice when we don't have to bathe in bug spray in order to walk outside. 

I hope you have a great day!  I'm back to the sewing machine, working on diaper covers to put in the shop. 

Lots of love!


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